If you need to raise school spirits with an awesome school rally, we can help! We offer a variety of services that are sure to pump up the crowd. Here are some of our most requested rally services.
Blacklight Rallies
We offer blacklights to allow you to turn out the lights and glow at your next rally! For more details about our blacklight rally services, click here.
CO2 Jets
CO2 jets are a great way to liven up your rally. These jets are a safe alternative to fog since they do not set off smoke-alarms. They can be used to give students or team members a dramatic entrance into the rally.
Rally Games
Rally games help promote student engagement and raise school spirit. We offer some great accessories that can be used in a variety of ways for your rally games.
Game Show Podiums
Our game show podiums come equipped with lighted buzzers to allow students to compete in question styled games.
Confetti Finish Line
If you are having a race or relay game at your rally you are going to want a dramatic finish line. Once the students complete the race, they press the button on the finish line to set off a burst of confetti.
Traffic Light
Our traffic light can be used for a variety of different rally games including the classic Red Light, Green Light game.
Rally Gallery
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Showbiz Event Lighting is a proud affiliate of the California Association of Directors Activities. |